London fashion - inventive, explosive, classic, outrageous, popular or unique - London has it all. It is also the town where Senstyle's Nathalie Beurg obtained her degree in Fashion and Textiles and naturally one of her favourite places to shop.
"People often ask me, 'Why London?' " says Nathalie, after all, it's a natural question to someone who has lived and studied in Paris too. "London style - you'd be surprised how much they talk about it in Paris. Look at all the French fashion houses - they fight over each other for young English designers. It's their slightly more daring edge - and that filters down to London's boutiques too."
Personal shopping in London takes one day where, following on from our wardrobe advice service, Nathalie Beurg will take you to all the right shops, dressing you to create the look you really want. Personal shopping in London costs £485 per day. To book a day's personal shopping in London, click here. This service is often used as a pre-cursor to Senstyle's personal shopping in Paris service.
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